Privacy Policy Here at Jb Photography Yorkshire we respect your personal information and will only ask you for what information we need from you to make your event run smoothly. We will look after all your information as we would want ours looking after. We will only share it with others where we need to like we have to share your photographs with our printing partners who have strict policy’s in place themselves. Be assured that we will never share your information in any other circumstances – nor will we sell it on to anybody. Most customers of JB Photography Yorkshire’s correspondence or personal details are in paper or email format and subsequently held in a filing system or email folders and destroyed or shredded after two years.  As written in our terms and conditions if you would not like your images shared or used in advertisements for our business please make us aware of this when you make your booking and agree to our terms. We strive to provide you with clear and simple information about the personal data we collect, how we use, and how we protect your personal data in our Privacy Policy.  If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to let us know and we can discuss these. ©JB Photography Yorkshire

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